Marketing for parenting and family brands

Copywriting for Family-Focused Businesses and Brands

Build Trust. Get More Customers. Save Time.

You have worked tirelessly to build your business.

You have a product you believe in and know there are families out there who need it.

You offer a service that you know will benefit expecting mothers and parents-to-be.

You are a passionate entrepreneur and business owner with a heart for helping families thrive.

You know your brand inside and out and you are positive that it can help millions.

But you …

  • Can’t seem to find the words to showcase your offer.

  • Aren’t quite sure how to reach your target audience.

  • Don’t know how to stand out online so that customers can easily find and choose your business over your competitors.

  • Hate the idea of selling and sounding “salesy”.

  • Already have more than enough to juggle as a business owner and aren’t sure how you will ever find time to add “marketing strategist” to the list.

I don’t need to tell you that having a robust online presence and communication strategy is more important now than ever.

But you’re stuck.

Copywriting and marketing services for businesses

If this sounds familiar, then you’ve come to the right place.

Let’s team up to discover how my words can…

  1. Get you more customers ✅


2. Save you time ✅

Copywriting and sales writing for entrepreneurs

Hi, I’m Jane

I’m a copywriter and communication strategist for family-focused businesses.

I harness the power of words to help businesses reach customers and grow to new heights. Excellent communication is my love language and I believe it’s the secret ingredient to your success. It brings me joy to team up with businesses like yours to:

  • Create clear, consistent messaging so your unique offer or product speaks directly to your unique audience.

  • Sprinkle storytelling throughout your copy to take your ideal client on a journey that leads them to your brand or product – and keeps them coming back to you.

  • Curate the perfect words that serve as the bridge from your product or service to your new customers.

The fact is, if you don’t have a solid marketing strategy and clear, targeted communication, you could be missing your ideal customer completely.

Let’s change that!

Why work with me?

With a background in Journalism and Communications and 5+ years of writing experience, I know how words hold tremendous power. When used well, they can inspire and move people to positive action.

As a copywriter with experience in sales and advertising, I am trained in sales psychology and ethical persuasion. Put simply, I understand people and how to curate meaningful copy that speaks directly to your customers in a way that compels them to act.

Plus, I know your audience because I am your audience. I am a wife and a mom to three very active kiddos.

Families have unique struggles and pain points and unique needs and desires. I know family life inside and out, and I feel to my core that same passion for helping families thrive that you do.

I’ll take care of your words so you can get back to running your business.

Let’s team up to move your business forward in a big way …

When you work with me, you will get …

  1. Expertly curated copy tailored to your audience

  2. A dependable partner who truly wants to see your business grow.

Plus, I have a strong respect for deadlines, so your work will be delivered to you by the agreed-upon deadline – Every time.

All you have to do is … your happy dance 👇

Marketing services for small businesses

In our 15-Minute Consult Call, we’ll talk through a strategy that fits your needs and goals. We’ll uncover:

  • Your struggles .. What areas of your marketing do you need help with? What’s working well and what isn’t? We’ll pinpoint what areas need focus.

  • Your goals … More customers? More time? Help nailing down your brand voice and translating it into your website copy?

  • Your SEO … How are you ranking in Google searches?

  • How my copywriting can help you reach your goals … I’m confident that if our values align and I can bring value to your life with my copywriting services, we’ll be able to serve moms, dads, and families in the best possible way, for years to come.

SEO, website copy, landing pages, sales pages


In today’s bustling marketplace, it is more important than ever that your business speaks directly to your target audience with carefully crafted copy that will ensure that you …

  • Stand out from your competitors.

  • Are an authority in your field.

  • Give value to your customers and clients.

  • Provide your customers with an irresistible offer.

    Let’s get into exactly how I can make that happen for you…


SEO: Your KEY to Getting Noticed Online

Strategies are always incorporated into your website copy and blog posts to make it easier for your target audience to find you and provide value to your readers. You’ll spend less on paid ads .. 70-80% of people pass over the paid ads at the top to see who is ranked higher organically because they believe they can trust a higher-ranking person over a paid ad. With thorough market and customer research, we’ll find out how best to connect your dream client with your business.

*SEO included in all website and blog pricing*

Website Copy: Your Virtual Storefront

A well-done, user-friendly website that perfectly tells your story and illustrates the benefits of your offer to your dream customer is priceless. An SEO-optimized website will take your business to new heights. If you’ve been staring at a blank screen struggling to find the words, let’s team up and get your website polished up and bringing more customers through your virtual door!

Website Copy: Starting at $500/1,000 words

Landing Page: Your Core Offer

The goal is to turn visitors into buyers. Your landing page will be written to get your audience to act now. Because this is a direct response piece of copy, it will be created to earn you direct sales. The goal will be to get your warm leads to purchase your product or service on this page.

Landing Page: $500 for products or services under $100 or copy under 1,000 words

Opt-In: Your Lead Magnet

We’ll capture your ideal clients and customers with an irresistible offer. Filling the top of your sales funnel with qualified leads is the quickest way to start seeing that needle move in your business. Together we will come up with an irresistible offer that will give your dream clients something of major value. Whether you are just beginning your email list or you need to capture new leads, your opt-in is the golden ticket to getting the job done.

Opt-Ins: Starting at $300

Blogs: Your Research-Packed Content

The idea is to provide consistent value to your audience and position you as an authority in your field. Your blogs will be created with the customer in mind using SEO strategies to help you show up in Google over time. Blogs build momentum over time by capturing keyword searches. As pages begin to show up in customer searches, Google will consider your entire website an authority. And the best part? Blogs are a one-and-done strategy. When a blog is posted, it can live on your website permanently and be updated when needed. Your blogs will not only be written to inform but will be created to inspire action from your readers.

Blogs: $200/1,000 words

Product Description: The Important Details of Your Offer

The product description is so often overlooked by business owners because it seems so straightforward and frankly, unimportant. With a clear, detailed product description, your customers can be sure of what they’re getting just before they hit that BUY NOW button. A well-done product description should outline the benefits rather than the features of the offer AND should be written to motivate your buyer to buy now.

Product Description in the 150-300 word range: $50-$150 depending on the price and complexity of the product

E-Mail Marketing: Your Captive Audience

Ahh, your email list. When you’ve done the work in getting qualified leads, your email list becomes the gift that keeps on giving. Your email list will truly become like family. And similar to a healthy family, a healthy email list needs nurturing! In this current marketplace where consumers get hundreds of emails a day, your emails need to stand out from the crowd. Let’s team up to reach your goals with an email sequence that:

  • Speaks directly to your target audience.

  • Includes storytelling to keep your reader interested.

  • Always offers clear, compelling content that guides your reader to the next desired action.

Emails: $50/email (Minimum of 3 emails in a sequence)

*Ask me about monthly retainers and bundles for consistent, subscription-based pricing.

Professional Copywriter

Ready to move your business forward and get more customers?

Let’s build a communication strategy that works for you.

Fill out the form below and look for an email from me with a link to schedule our call.